Jessica Laporte
October 14, 2015
Kouzin Dlo has recently released two new products! We will now be selling our own 16 oz bottles along with 8 oz bottles of chlorine, allowing customers is purchase less often by providing more than twice the water purifying power.
Our 8 oz bottle is the same great deal, 40 treatments for $1 providing 200 gallons of clean water for a family. This size typically lasts one month when used simply for drinking water but our sales agents encourage customers to utilize clean water for all household activities improving health outcomes and leading to a quicker follow-up sale.
The new 16 oz bottle provides customers with a new deal, 100 treatments for $2. This size can last up to three months however the reduced price per treatment further opens the door for customers to use clean water for a variety of activities in their home.
To launch these products Kouzin Dlo is borrowing from a classic haitian marketing technique and adding our own twist. In each community we've been using a Kouzin Dlo branded tap tap to make some noise and spread the word about our products and services. These mobile marketing days are a new strategy in our arsenal for boosting our visibility where we work.
During Mobile Marketing days community managers and sales agents accompany the publicity truck to advertise our new products. The importance of clean water technology, the benefits of our product, and encouragement to purchase from Kouzin Dlo will be announced to the community from a sound system on the truck, but more importantly it is reinforced by individual conversations. Managers and sales will engage with community members directly to express a similar message and offer the product for sale along the route. Additionally, we will hand out samples of water treated with our product when the truck stops at gathering places. Through these marketing events we hope to cultivate relationships with community members, creating as many new customers as possible.