Video Update #6

Watch this update and hear about how the research of Archimedes Project's first Frontier Fellow, Iynna, has transitioned from talking to NGO's and the Government to talking to the people who have to solve this problem for themselves on a daily basis!

About the author:
Iynna Halilou

Iynna believes that innovation and creativity are the solution to Cameroon's development challenges. Her goal as a social entrepreneur is to unlock the potential within local communities to create solutions for the lack of access to sanitation and clean water.

A global nomad, Iynna was born Cameroon and grew up there for 10 years before moving to France. She has studied, lived and worked in England, the United States, Canada, Russia and Senegal. She most recently received her Master’s degree from New York University in International Affairs with a focus on international development.

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